Please CLICK on the blue dot
to make one of the following donations:
$25 donation
I will fund a gas card to a woman who otherwise would not have transportation to and from work, school, and appointments.
$30 donation
I will fund one week of diapers and wipes for a child in need.
$50 donation
I will help feed a mother and her children for 1 week.
$75 donation
I will fund repairs or maintenance of a woman's vehicle so she can have a safe, reliable car for her and her children.
$100 donation
I will fund much needed medical care for a mom and her children.
$200 donation
I will cover the electric bill at the transition house for 1 month, providing cooling and heating needs for women and children residing there.
$350 donation
I will cover 1 month of the mortgage at the Samaritan Inn
providing shelter for women and children.